Celebrating 20 Years of Dedicated Attention to Improving Land Governance and Strengthening Land Tenure Security in Ghana

COLANDEF was founded and incorporated in Ghana in 2004. From its inception, our mission was clear: to improve land access, natural resource governance and land tenure security in Ghana.  The past two decades in the business of improving land governance and securing land rights have increasingly enriched our understanding and appreciation of the nexus between land tenure security and socio-economic development.

Therefore, as we celebrate the 20-year anniversary, we are not just reflecting on the journey of securing land tenure alone. We are in fact, reflecting on how this journey has also contributed to matters of global concern like climate mitigation and adaptation strategies, agricultural value chains development, reforestation, food security, carbon capture and many other such issues under the purview of land and natural resource governance. Thus, the conviction and commitment to ending land tenure insecurity has become even larger than when we first started.  

This is why our 20th-anniversary theme, "Strengthening Partnerships, Leading Change, and Transforming Ghana's Land Sector," has been chosen to reflect on where we started and highlight our vision for the future. We believe that genuine transformation in the land sector now more than ever, requires strong, collaborative partnerships.  

We are deeply grateful to all our donors, partners, stakeholders, board members and our dedicated team for their role in fulfilling our mission statement.  In the coming weeks, we are eager to underscore some milestones, success stories, and lessons that have proved invaluable over these twenty years. We also look forward to sharing COLANDEF’s vision for the coming years. Again, we are thankful to our funding partners who believed in us and have remained committed to supporting our mission. 

We extend a warm invitation to all our partners and stakeholders to celebrate this 20-year anniversary with us. There is plenty to look forward to and we are so happy to have you here as part of our journey. 
