Thematic Areas

Thematic Areas

01 - Land Governance and Natural Resource Management

Under this thematic area, we have programs that focus on:

  • Customary Land Rights Documentation (CLARID)

  • Public Education and Awareness Raising on Land Rights

  • Institutional Strengthening of both state and customary land administration institutions

  • Responsible Land-Based Investments

  • Sustainable Land Management

02 - Policy Research and Policy Advocacy

In Ghana, the land policy framework focuses on the state's role in documenting and registering land rights.

However, it lacks adequate institutional support for customary land authorities in handling land transactions.

What must change?

The national policy framework on land needs to focus on addressing all the constraints in the land sector, including those in the customary land tenure system in order to improve the land tenure systems.

03 - Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI)

We prioritize women's land rights and are concerned about the challenge of limited recognition and respect for them.

As an organization, we prioritize improving women's land rights. We recognize that there is still a significant challenge in terms of limited recognition and respect for women's land rights, and we are deeply concerned about this issue.

The Problem

Female traditional leaders are not involved in customary land governance. Moreover, the limited participation and representation of women's voices in national policy discussions remain a critical issue.

The best course of action

Addressing the challenges with women’s land rights will require both a mainstreaming approach and dedicated programming on women’s land rights.

 Under this program area, we focus on addressing the following;

  • Women’s land rights

  • Collective rights of Queen mothers as custodians of customary lands

  • Training and capacity strengthening in GESI

04 - Legal Empowerment

We are committed to offering legal education to all actors involved in customary land tenure.

Our Legal Empowerment interventions target local women, local farmers, Farmer Based Organizations, Community Based Organizations, Customary Land Secretariats, Traditional Leaders including Queen Mothers, Project Affected Communities (PACs) and Project Affected Persons (PAPs).

05 - Local Governance

We prioritize community development and the integration of community development concerns into our interventions.

Through our local governance thematic area, we aim at ensuring that our efforts at securing customary land tenure will result in the socio-economic development of households and an improvement in the local economy. We therefore facilitate community mobilization for the implementation of small-scale projects at the community level.

Our Interventions


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Our Interventions


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Our Interventions


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