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Inception Workshop for the REPAFEL Project

As part of the implementation of the one year project themed, “Advocacy for the Participation and Representation of Female Traditional Leaders”, COLANDEF is holding an inception workshop in partnership with the Wellspring Philanthropic Fund. This workshop will be held on the 24th January, 2019 in Accra with participation from  female traditional leaders in Ghana.

The project seeks for the recognition of the role of female Traditional Leaders, their involvement in customary land governance, and participation in national level land policy discussions. It is expected that under this project, there will be a stronger and structured institutional arrangement for the representation and voice of Female Traditional Leaders in Ghana while increasing their capacity in the area of national policy processes.

The REPAFEL project focuses on the:

  1. Analysis and documentation of current legal status of Female Traditional Leaders in customary land governance

  2. Development of a road map on the legal processes required to get Female Traditional Leaders to have similar representative status in the policy space as the male Traditional Leaders in Ghana.

  3. Strengthening the capacity of Female Traditional Leaders to be better organized for effective engagements, representation and voice

  4. Advocacy for the institutionalization of the Council of Female Traditional Leaders into the public policy engagements space. 

This inception workshop seeks to introduce the project to female traditional leaders in Ghana, build common understanding on activities and outcomes, and request for their active support on this project.