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Our Interventions


News & Resources

Our Interventions


News & Resources


Advocating for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) is basically about achieving 'equal opportunities' for the different segments of society, as individuals and groups in all aspects of living. It has been established that there are many imbalances in all sectors of society in terms of right to and control over resources. In Ghana, customary land tenure system is one of the sectors where widening GESI imbalances has become an obstacle to its development. COLANDEF, as a Non-Governmental Organization is paying attention to theses GESI disparities in its programming and working with stakeholders and partners to bridge this gap. We do so through policy research, policy advocacy and dialog, building capacities of the people we work with and educating the public on land tenure security.

This framework addresses GESI complexities in land tenure security, and outlines areas COLANDEF gives attention to towards empowering women, men youth and other disadvantaged groups. It outlines how we shape our programs and activities to capture the diversity of our work environment and to be GESI sensitive.

Download it here