Lands Commission Guidelines for Large Scale Land Transactions in Ghana

Guided by the FAO Guidelines and FPIC principles, the Lands Commission started developing Guidelines for Large Scale Land Acquisition in 2016. Under the GESLAB project, COLANDEF reviewed the GESI considerations in the Guidelines and made revisions accordingly. This work of reviewing and revising the Lands Commission was done in partnership with the project stakeholders listed in the document they endorsed below. Since September 2018, COLANDEF has tried to have an appointment with the Management of the Lands Commission to present the work done by COLANDEF and the project stakeholders. As of July 2019 when this document was posted, we were still waiting to get that appointment for a meeting.

The Lands Commission Guidelines provides the high level information on what the actors in investment need to pay attention to while the RIPL Guidebooks provides detailed information on how the actors can approach what they are expected to do.

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