Beneficiary Spotlight: Emmanuel Opoku Acheampong, Cocoa Farmer and President of the Biakoye Cocoa Farmer Cooperative

23 Jul 2024

As part of our commitment to nurture an empowered agricultural land user community to be advocates and promoters of their land rights, COLANDEF has educated, trained and built the institutional capacity of the leadership and members of a number of Farmer Based Organizations in Ghana. This has produced empowered smallholder farmers who are equipped to take steps in securing their land rights.  

Today, we highlight the inspiring story of Mr. Emmanuel Opoku Acheampong, a cocoa farmer and the President of the Biakoye Farmer Cooperative, in a community in the Asante Bekwai Traditional Area.  


Mr. Opoku Acheampong owns an 8-acre cocoa farm. He has been farming on this cocoa farm for 15 years. Cocoa farming is the main source of income for him and his household of seven (7). In spite of having occupied the land and engaged in cocoa farming for many years, Mr. Acheampong did not have a clear understanding of the type of land rights he had. On one hand, he thought he had absolute ownership of the land on which he farms. On the other hand, he also knew that the Chief of his area had some expectations of him which he had to fulfill in order to keep his land and farm. This situation was confusing to him, so he did not take kindly the obligations towards the Chief he was expected to fulfill. This resulted in a strained relationship which threatened his continuous rights to occupy and use the land for farming. These challenges made it difficult for Mr. Opoku Acheampong to plan the expansion and further investment in his farming activities.  


From 2021 until now, Mr. Opoku Acheampong together with other members of the Biakoye Cocoa Cooperative, have been part of COLANDEF’s education and capacity strengthening programs. These programs have been organized both as in-person sessions and remote coaching and guidance sessions.  Over the period, Mr. Opoku Acheampong and other members of his cooperative have been educated on the different types of land rights prescribed under the Ghana Land Act and now is able to accurately define the type of land rights he holds, as well as other members of the cooperative. He is now equipped with the skills to successfully engage the Chief in his area and support other members of the Cooperative to engage with the Chiefs in their respective areas to secure clarity on their land rights. Arrangements are underway for the Cooperative to partner with the Chiefs in the area they operate, to set up institutional arrangements for documenting the land rights of the farmers to enhance security of tenure.   


COLANDEF has truly been a game-changer for the Biakoye cooperative. Ever since we started engaging with COLANDEF back in 2021, we have experienced a profound shift in our understanding of the concept of Land, land ownership and the different types of ownership recognized under the law.  We can now engage in dialogue with our Chiefs more productively with no antagonism. It has brought us peace of mind. We also have the support of the Chiefs to start documenting our land rights. I have initiated the documentation process for my land. Thank you COLANDEF for your support to customary land rights holders. 


Mr. Opoku Acheampong’s success has had a ripple effect in his community. Seeing his progress, other farmers have become more interested in understanding their land rights, leading to a more informed community. 

Mr. Opoku Acheampong is the President of the Biakoye Cocoa Farmer Cooperative and has been supported to share the education and lessons to with all his cooperative members Biakoye Cocoa Farmers’ Cooperative Union registered with the Department of Cooperatives in 2019. The union has approximately 1,500 members, organized under 22 member-Associations. Members of the associations include local chiefs, young men and young women, farmers who are indigenes of the Traditional Area and settler farmers. The Union operates in the Bekwai Municipality in the Ashanti Region of Ghana.  


At COLANDEF, we stay committed to our mission of centering the power for securing land rights. We are excited that we have succeeded in putting the power in the hands of farmers like Mr. Opoku Acheampong and his cooperative members.  

For more information on how you can support COLANDEF’s programs or be a beneficiary, please visit our website or contact us on +233 (0) 30 294 3672 or 0509999629.